Some Work
Things I made for fun
This is a webpage where you can find... me? Stuff I made, and things I'm thinking about. If I have shows, here you can find them.

Morning Rush

Into the Blue

Beach Patrol

Towering Heights

Stick with Me

The Standoff

A Long Wait

News & Updates
Wanna know what I'm doing? Weirdo. Thanks.

Film Update(s)
May 6, 2022
What Even Is This?: This is where I will post updates on whatever independent project I'm working on. Currently, I just held an assembly screening of this movie (way too early). So, where do we stand? This movie is turning out exactly like what I had in mind when writing it, despite the Hell it was to actually get it made. This movie, currently however, is all wind. I need to fix the audio, badly. I also need to finish scoring the movie. The theme and main beat is done. So, I hope to get this watchable by audiences this time next year. That being said, to make it watchable, I must first make it listenable.
Cast & Crew Q&A
May 6, 2022
I didn't want to do this, but if you have any questions about this movie, other projects I'm working on, or anything at all. Feel free to send it below. I'll likely answer it, cause I like procrastinating.

I hope you enjoyed reading. Get in touch for more.
À Propos de Moi
I am a pretentious artist.
I've written my entire life. I've been editing since freshman year, and making shorts since Sophomore year of high school. I started making music not long after that. Art is my entire life, and it consumes all of me. Here's where you can find some of my past work, or some upcoming things. If you want to get in contact with me... then do it! (P.S. I don't act anymore unless... well... you know who you are. You can reach out.)

“Filmmaking can give you everything, but at the same time, it can take everything from you.”